Biodiesel is an alternative fuel of plant origin. It is a biological substitute for diesel. Hence the name biodiesel (Bio + Diesel). It is a glycerin-free vegetable oil to which methanol is added. It presents like as a liquid fuel, semi-transparent in color and a viscosity similar to traditional diesel fuel.

The most common method to produce biodesel is known as the transesterification process, a simpler and less complex system if the oil used for the production of biodiesel is virgin (in this case, in fact, further processing processes are avoided). Through this chemical reaction, the molecules of the fatty acids are broken down thanks to the use of an alcoholic reagent (methanol or ethanol) reinforced by a catalyst, such as caustic soda. In this way, alcohol and fatty acids react to produce glycerol and, above all, biodiesel.

Biodiesel also has a lower environmental impact, with 50% less carbon monoxide emissions and 65% less fine dust than diesel. In addition to not containing sulfur, it also contains less carbon and aromatic compounds. It is also a biodegradable product; the carbon chain, which characterizes it, can, in fact, be more easily attacked by bacteria, natural creators of the degradation of oils and fats.

In the transport sector it is used as a biofuel to replace diesel in vehicles with a diesel engine designed to use it (Flex Fuel Engine). In general it can also be used as a green fuel for domestic heating.

Biodiesel is a fuel of vegetable origin and is more easily absorbed by the environment than the combustion of petrol or diesel, that’s why it environmental impact is lower than its competitors. The amount of CO2 released by the combustion of biodiesel is the same as absorbed by plants during their life cycle. Therefore, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere does not increase or is less.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel of plant origin. It is a biological substitute for diesel. Hence the name biodiesel (Bio + Diesel). It is a glycerin-free vegetable oil to which methanol is added. It presents like as a liquid fuel, semi-transparent in color and a viscosity similar to traditional diesel fuel.

The most common method to produce biodesel is known as the transesterification process, a simpler and less complex system if the oil used for the production of biodiesel is virgin (in this case, in fact, further processing processes are avoided). Through this chemical reaction, the molecules of the fatty acids are broken down thanks to the use of an alcoholic reagent (methanol or ethanol) reinforced by a catalyst, such as caustic soda. In this way, alcohol and fatty acids react to produce glycerol and, above all, biodiesel.

Biodiesel also has a lower environmental impact, with 50% less carbon monoxide emissions and 65% less fine dust than diesel. In addition to not containing sulfur, it also contains less carbon and aromatic compounds. It is also a biodegradable product; the carbon chain, which characterizes it, can, in fact, be more easily attacked by bacteria, natural creators of the degradation of oils and fats.

In the transport sector it is used as a biofuel to replace diesel in vehicles with a diesel engine designed to use it (Flex Fuel Engine). In general it can also be used as a green fuel for domestic heating.



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