Energroup is acting internationally as participant of the IREC STANDARD, our markets are South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. The Renewable Energy Certificate System (acronym RECS) or Renewable Energy Certification System is a voluntary system for international trade in renewable energy certificates created by RECS International to stimulate the international development of renewable energy. RECS’ goal is to use of standard energy certificates as evidence of the production of a certain amount of renewable energy, providing a methodology that allows the trading of renewable energy, enabling the creation of a market for these energies and thus promoting the development of new capacities in the field of renewable energy in Europe. Usually a RECS energy certificate is issued for each megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy produced by an electricity generation plant.

The International REC Standard Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides a robust attribute tracking standard for use around the world. Based upon the I-REC Standard and associated Code documents, the blueprints for attribute tracking systems, I-REC independent and local issuers can implement robust and transparent attribute tracking schemes, ensuring the highest quality and adherence to best practices for the avoidance of double counting, double certificate issuance and double attribute claiming.
The I-REC Standard is a list of rules, regulations and best practices which are to be used by all attribute tracking systems. These rules, regulations and best practices together combine to form the I-REC Code. The I-REC Code provides the blueprints for a standardized tracking system that can be implemented in any country or region. Standardization allows for simplified consumer claims and the elimination of double claiming, double counting and double certificate issuance. The I-REC Standard is also an operational attribute tracking system that, based on the I-REC Code rules and regulations, can be made available in countries or regions without a reliable and transparent electricity tracking system. In such regions, implementation on a voluntary basis is possible, however the I-REC Standard organization prefers that implementation be done in combination with national regulatory, or policy making authorities.